The Performance of Dosubl vs Call Execute

Both dosubl and call execute accept raw SAS code as input.  The difference between them is that call execute will take your code and add it to the stack (so, after your data step completes) whilst dosub...

Split Character Data With Private Use Delimiters

I recently had a challenge - how to delimit an array of character data, when the delimiter itself may be in the data?  Furthermore, when that array has to fit in a SAS macro variable?

I was aware of nonprintables (hidden gremlins that can s...

Tabs v Spaces - which is more popular in SAS?

Tabs or Spaces?  Does it even matter, so long as you / your team are consistent?  For many SAS developers the standard place to write code is the Program Editor - for which the default setting is to use tabs, else 4 spaces.

Interestingly - ...